Sunday, September 23, 2007

Feeling a little left out....

Today I attended my boyfriends sons football game. It was pretty fun watching the little guys run around, and fall everytime they tried tackling the other team..Everyone seemed to be having a good time. Parents sitting on the bleachers yelling out their support for their kids on the team. Kids were everywhere, in line getting their snacks and junk food. They were running around having fun with one another..I basically people watched. One of my favorite things to do, is to sit and observe people and their interactions with one another. But today, I don't know, I felt a little left out, for some reason. I felt like I was the outsider, the only person I knew there was my boyfriend, no one else. Not a a parent, that's for sure, you know. U would think I would've been the one to feel comfortable, but for some reason I didn't, 'cause I felt that I couldn't relate to none of them. (I wanted to) Maybe is just me, making it into an issue that just doesn't make any sense...maybe. I could just be rambling...I mean that is why I subscribed to this blog...right? It could be me being the Leo that I am...always wanting attention and being in the center of it all.......nah. I don't know.


Diana said...

Somebody's ovaries are itching...
we haven't gone to the mall to people watch in a long time, we're due for a trip.

sourpatchbaby said...

Oh gosh diana, I've never heard the itching ovary comment before! I understand you about feeling left out. I hate hate hate to not be the center of attention (big surprise there) and even more so hate it when I'm at a place where my umn, uniqueness is not appreciated to its full extent.

Diana said...

SPB-you and my sister are going to get along great...LOL!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.